38: A Tale of Two Egg Retrievals

June 26, 2024

Meredith came out of her most recent egg retrieval with very different results! What were the differences in treatment? Did she keep calm, cool, and collected this time? Will this be her last retrieval?


00;00;00;08 – 00;00;04;26
This episode is a tale of two egg
retrievals, both to like and dignity.

00;00;05;04 – 00;00;06;21
Those are two different authors.

00;00;06;21 – 00;00;08;26
I won’t do that again.

00;00;08;26 – 00;00;11;06
In college, my gay best friend and I joked

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that we hadn’t found love by 40
and have a baby with each other.

00;00;14;21 – 00;00;17;21
20 years later, I’m pulling the report.

00;00;18;03 – 00;00;20;18
I’m deciding on solo motherhood
to choosing IVF.

00;00;20;18 – 00;00;23;08
I’m Meredith, and this is the backup plan.

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I’ve now completed two Edgar retrievals.

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The first one was in April,
the end of April, to be precise.

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and this last one was here
at the end of June.

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I jumped into the second one
as soon as I could.

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When I found out that the genetic tests

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weren’t what I wanted,
I said, when can we jump into this?

00;00;42;07 – 00;00;43;09
Quickly as we can.

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And thankfully it lined up with my cycle.

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So didn’t do one in May,
but I’ve done one in June

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and maybe it’s the last one I have to do.

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I went ahead and I made a spreadsheet
because I am a spreadsheet queen.

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if you are listening to this via podcasts,
which I really appreciate, great.

00;01;02;02 – 00;01;05;13
But you might want to check this out
on YouTube if you’re a visual learner,

00;01;05;13 – 00;01;08;13
because I am going to be referencing
numbers and stuff and just.

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And for me, holding numbers in my head
just like it doesn’t work.

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So let’s talk
first about April’s egg retrieval.

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First and foremost,
I just want to say that

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Although it was the first time around,

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I did have a lower stress level
at that time.

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I was nervous about doing things right,
but I was slightly less stressed.

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Back in April.

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My treatment schedule ran from April 11th
to April 25th, which is when I triggered.

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And then April 27th was my egg retrieval.

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In total,
I took 15 days worth of medication.

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What was that medication, you may ask?

00;01;44;15 – 00;01;50;01
Well, I was on 300 units of follow stem
from April 11th to April 21st.

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I bumped up my medication
at my doctor’s recommendation.

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I didn’t do it myself to 350 units

00;01;56;09 – 00;01;59;12
on April 22nd,
and I wrote that through April 25th.

00;01;59;16 – 00;02;03;06
I was consistently on two vials of Manipur
at that time.

00;02;03;11 – 00;02;05;23
So 150 units total.

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and then I took 18 units of Maxton daily
for the first eight days.

00;02;10;11 – 00;02;14;01
I don’t have that information
might have been seven days.

00;02;14;05 – 00;02;19;00
I accidentally threw away about,
like 2 or 3 days worth of Samaritan.

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And part of me is kicking myself,
thinking that maybe that’s the reason

00;02;23;02 – 00;02;25;18
things don’t go as well. Spoiler alert.

00;02;25;18 – 00;02;28;18
when it came time to trigger,
I took 80 units of Lupron.

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And five K of Novarro.

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That’s what my instructions said.

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I just followed everything to a tee.

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I don’t know what five K is,
but that’s how much it took.

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Let’s talk about results.

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I grew about 20 follicles in that time.

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My follicle size was between
5.7mm and 21.9mm.

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Seven of those 20 follicles were over

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quick word to the wise here.

00;02;53;04 – 00;02;56;09
If there is a follicle in you
that is over 15mm.

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There’s an 80% chance
that there is a mature egg in there.

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Now, while I only had seven 15mm

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plus follicles in there,
we retrieved nine eggs, which was great.

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Super excited about that until I learned
that only three of them were mature.

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Of those three, all of them fertilized

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and two made it to embryo status.

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Of those two blastocysts,
only one survived

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all the PGT testing
and is currently sitting in a freezer.

00;03;26;02 – 00;03;27;27
Okay, now is the point where I’m going
to hold up my phone

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and talk about a spreadsheet
that I’ll show you right here.

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So what I think is really interesting
here is you can see

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how many more follicles
I had on the left side.

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my ultrasound tech at the time was like,
your left side likes to party.

00;03;41;24 – 00;03;45;15
So we’re going to go ahead
and assume that the biggest follicles

00;03;45;15 – 00;03;47;14
were the ones that produce the mature

00;03;47;14 – 00;03;50;07
I can’t be for this.
Nobody can be sure of this at this point.

00;03;50;07 – 00;03;54;25
Just for the sake of having a fun time
and guesstimating what went on in my body?

00;03;55;10 – 00;03;58;21
You can see that the lighter color
is the one that didn’t produce a mature

00;03;58;21 – 00;03;59;29
egg cell.

00;03;59;29 – 00;04;04;03
A 20.5, a 21.9, and an 18.9

00;04;04;04 – 00;04;08;14
were the ones that probably gave me
what I was looking for.

00;04;08;23 – 00;04;11;23
it’s a bummer,
But let’s talk about June’s response.

00;04;12;03 – 00;04;14;15
In June,
my stress levels were just higher.

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I had some family drama going on.

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My mom came back into town
and while I was so glad that she was here

00;04;19;15 – 00;04;21;00
and she could help out,

00;04;21;00 – 00;04;24;28
she had her own drama going on with the
sale of a house that she has in Florida.

00;04;25;04 – 00;04;26;27
she had a health concern.

00;04;26;27 – 00;04;28;16
There was just like a bunch of things

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on, So my brain wasn’t entirely focused on
this is me.

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This is my journey.

00;04;32;11 – 00;04;35;04
I’m going to be, like, completely,
totally selfish.

00;04;35;04 – 00;04;36;13
I had to do other things.

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I had one day less of medication, 14 days

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From June 5th to June 18th,
I was medicating myself.

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The medication was a little bit different,
I was on 300 units.

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I followed him throughout.

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Then up
here was the one that we kicked up.

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I ended up taking three vials of that
rather than just the two vials.

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I went up to 225 units
rather than 150 that I was on in April.

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Instead of some acted, I used omni trip.

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This time I am told they are the same.

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Maybe they’re both human growth hormone.

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in terms of dosage, I was taking 35 units.

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Now, I don’t know how different

00;05;13;15 – 00;05;17;02
the dosage was
between the Samaritan and the Omni troop.

00;05;17;07 – 00;05;19;29
So I don’t know if I was taking double
the amount

00;05;19;29 – 00;05;22;27
or if that’s just the way
that this medication worked.

00;05;22;27 – 00;05;27;25
When it comes to the trigger shot,
I used Lupron again or Looper lied

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It was the same dosage. It was 80 units.

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Instead of using.

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Not for real.

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This time I used preg
milk, have no idea what the dosage

00;05;34;27 – 00;05;37;22
difference is between pregnant
and over well, but.

00;05;37;22 – 00;05;40;23
I was taking 10,000 I use,

00;05;41;03 – 00;05;44;03
so I don’t know
if it’s double the amount or what.

00;05;44;05 – 00;05;44;13
All right.

00;05;44;13 – 00;05;47;25
Well, the internet tells me that
normal and pregnant are the same thing

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and that they are,
urinary derived human products.

00;05;52;09 – 00;05;53;22
So that’s one.

00;05;53;22 – 00;05;55;14
All right, let’s talk egg numbers.

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This is the part where it gets exciting.

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I had 14 follicles that were growing.

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I was pretty bummed about this.

00;06;03;01 – 00;06;06;22
I never counted it out
through the process, but I could tell

00;06;06;22 – 00;06;09;22
it was slower
just by looking at the screen.

00;06;10;00 – 00;06;14;04
after I did all this research
and looked at how many fewer

00;06;14;04 – 00;06;17;28
follicles I had, I was like,
wow, I’m glad I didn’t do that earlier.

00;06;17;29 – 00;06;22;06
So I’ve gotten a lot
sadder of those 14 follicles.

00;06;22;06 – 00;06;24;09
We got 11 eggs.

00;06;24;09 – 00;06;29;24
11 eggs came out of me When I woke up,
I started recording myself,

00;06;29;24 – 00;06;34;20
because I like watching videos of myself
drugged and doctor came in.

00;06;35;02 – 00;06;36;03
Please enjoy this.

00;06;37;09 – 00;06;38;25
No egg.

00;06;38;25 – 00;06;40;28
Oh, hello. How are you doing?

00;06;40;28 – 00;06;43;28
I’m recording myself. You’re kidding.

00;06;44;15 – 00;06;45;14
why are you recording it?

00;06;45;14 – 00;06;46;27
Because I’m recording all of it.

00;06;46;27 – 00;06;49;24
I’m doing a podcast
about the whole run home situation.

00;06;49;24 – 00;06;50;25
Oh, you’re so funny.

00;06;50;25 – 00;06;52;19

00;06;52;19 – 00;06;54;05
I just wanted to give you the update.

00;06;54;05 – 00;06;56;19
We got 11 oh oh, right.

00;06;56;19 – 00;06;58;11
Yeah, much more than I anticipated.

00;06;58;11 – 00;07;02;08
Yeah, I expect all them to be mature,
though, you know?

00;07;02;08 – 00;07;05;08
But I’m gonna listen to immature.

00;07;06;09 – 00;07;07;17

00;07;07;17 – 00;07;11;05
So, But definitely good to start off
with, you know, higher numbers.

00;07;11;06 – 00;07;14;13
It was nine before. So awesome. I love it.

00;07;14;21 – 00;07;17;06
the lab will keep you updated tomorrow.

00;07;17;06 – 00;07;18;28
And how many are mature and fertilized

00;07;18;28 – 00;07;21;28
and then have to, like,
see when they come out.

00;07;22;01 – 00;07;25;01
I can’t, because everything’s microscopic.

00;07;25;01 – 00;07;28;12
So my goal is just to try and get
every drop of fluid that I can

00;07;29;01 – 00;07;30;09
and then handoff to embryology.

00;07;30;09 – 00;07;33;09
I appreciate that because
I have not been able to sit up straight.

00;07;33;22 – 00;07;35;29
Oh that me?

00;07;35;29 – 00;07;39;17
Well, hopefully,
hopefully yourselves and, Yeah.

00;07;39;17 – 00;07;40;23
And then the lab will keep you updated.

00;07;40;23 – 00;07;44;07
So tomorrow and then also after seven
days, we’re coming to get the lab right.

00;07;44;21 – 00;07;46;06
Any questions for me?

00;07;46;06 – 00;07;48;27
No, I just I just want babies.

00;07;48;27 – 00;07;51;17
I, I hope I get them again.

00;07;51;17 – 00;07;54;17
That’s a good starting place for sure.

00;07;54;28 – 00;07;57;09
I read it. Any other questions?

00;07;57;09 – 00;08;00;02
No. I hope
this is the last time I see you.

00;08;00;02 – 00;08;02;07
I feel like you.

00;08;02;07 – 00;08;07;11
I wish you all the bad and wishing,
You know, good luck for all the new words.

00;08;07;12 – 00;08;09;15
Of course. Happy
I got to do that from both ends.

00;08;09;15 – 00;08;11;12
Have you? Yeah.

00;08;11;12 – 00;08;12;15
But wishing you all the best.

00;08;12;15 – 00;08;13;04
Thank you.

00;08;13;04 – 00;08;15;17
All right.
I’ll talk to you like I take care.

00;08;20;18 – 00;08;23;26
Very happy to report that when I got home
a few hours later,

00;08;23;26 – 00;08;27;08
I learned that of those 11
eggs, eight were mature.

00;08;27;16 – 00;08;32;12
So I mean a difference of five eggs
is just huge for me,

00;08;32;13 – 00;08;34;10
huge for a lot of people.

00;08;34;10 – 00;08;37;00
I was so fucking excited.

00;08;37;00 – 00;08;40;15
And then later that night, Whitney,
who was on a couple episodes ago,

00;08;40;23 – 00;08;43;28
she called me up, was asking me
how I was doing, how I was feeling,

00;08;43;28 – 00;08;47;13
and while I was on the phone with her,
I got an email saying

00;08;47;13 – 00;08;52;04
that of those eight mature
eggs, seven have fertilized.

00;08;52;11 – 00;08;55;24
There is a slight chance there may have
been an eighth fertilization.

00;08;56;02 – 00;09;00;08
I haven’t heard from the doctors yet,
and I’m recording this on Monday.

00;09;00;08 – 00;09;02;11
I’m going to be releasing it on Wednesday.

00;09;02;11 – 00;09;05;28
So I should have time to insert here
a little bit more information

00;09;05;28 – 00;09;07;27
about how many blastocysts we made.

00;09;07;27 – 00;09;10;11
Hey, cutie, is editor Meredith
coming in at the last moment

00;09;10;11 – 00;09;13;28
to let you know that
there isn’t a lot of information to share?

00;09;14;09 – 00;09;15;17
I was hoping we would have some.

00;09;15;17 – 00;09;17;15
Day five Blastocysts today.

00;09;17;15 – 00;09;20;12
It looks like we have one,
but it’s not ready to call

00;09;20;12 – 00;09;23;12
until maybe tomorrow,
so it might be a day six blastocyst.

00;09;23;19 – 00;09;27;10
The eighth possible fertilized egg
didn’t happen,

00;09;27;10 – 00;09;30;02
so there are only seven fertilized eggs

00;09;30;02 – 00;09;32;07
and all of the other ones
are showing development,

00;09;32;07 – 00;09;34;06
but nothing that can be called
at the moment.

00;09;34;06 – 00;09;37;28
So, it’s been disappointing news
today, but,

00;09;38;15 – 00;09;42;16
nothing’s conclusive yet,
and I’m trying to stay positive,

00;09;44;00 – 00;09;46;03
even though that’s difficult.

00;09;46;03 – 00;09;47;25
are you ready for the next spreadsheet?

00;09;47;25 – 00;09;49;22
I think you are. the highlighted cells.

00;09;49;22 – 00;09;54;18
Here are the eggs
that were retrieved the darker color

00;09;54;26 – 00;09;58;11
are the ones that we got mature eggs from.

00;09;58;19 – 00;10;03;01
what’s wild to me is that this go around
theoretically, I had mature eggs

00;10;03;01 – 00;10;06;16
come from an 11.7,

00;10;06;16 – 00;10;09;29
whereas last go around,
let’s just pull up the whole chart.

00;10;09;29 – 00;10;13;17
Why don’t we
the last go around the smallest follicle

00;10;13;26 – 00;10;16;25
that retrieved a mature egg was 18.9.

00;10;16;29 – 00;10;19;08
Like, that’s just crazy, right?

00;10;19;08 – 00;10;22;07
it’s just such a huge difference.

00;10;22;07 – 00;10;25;24
And I don’t know, I’m
just I’m just elated this time.

00;10;26;00 – 00;10;27;07
I’m just so excited.

00;10;27;07 – 00;10;30;05
So I’m going to go ahead and put that
spreadsheet up on the website.

00;10;30;05 – 00;10;32;07
If you want to take a look at it
and do some studying.

00;10;32;07 – 00;10;35;07
If you’re a data nerd
like I tend to be sometimes.

00;10;35;10 – 00;10;37;14
I mean, I’m really just more a spreadsheet

00;10;37;14 – 00;10;39;26
Christine has been calling me spreadsheets

00;10;39;26 – 00;10;41;11
it’s just fun to watch.

00;10;41;11 – 00;10;44;25
It’s fun to look at, and it’s fun
to analyze when the results are good.

00;10;44;25 – 00;10;47;17
And that’s just how I’m feeling right now.

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I’m feeling really good about things.

00;10;51;07 – 00;10;52;24
What else should I do differently?

00;10;52;24 – 00;10;55;00
I want to tell you, I did yoga every day.

00;10;55;00 – 00;10;57;10
I want to tell you
I got exercise every day.

00;10;57;10 – 00;11;02;00
I want to tell you that I was eating this,
like, green goddess Bountiful diet,

00;11;02;09 – 00;11;03;06
you know?

00;11;03;06 – 00;11;08;05
the other, like, major change this
go around is I eat chicken.

00;11;08;09 – 00;11;11;09
I am mostly a vegetarian.

00;11;11;16 – 00;11;16;00
if I travel, if I go to some foreign land

00;11;16;00 – 00;11;19;09
where it’s like
nobody has a vegetarian like Korea.

00;11;19;16 – 00;11;20;25
I’m going to eat meat there.

00;11;20;25 – 00;11;23;17
If I go to someplace
that has some delicacy that, like,

00;11;23;17 – 00;11;25;28
I really want to get the flavor of where
I’m at.

00;11;25;28 – 00;11;27;05
I’m going to do that.

00;11;27;05 – 00;11;28;29
I’m craving a Big Mac, goddammit.

00;11;28;29 – 00;11;30;12
I’m going to get a Big Mac.

00;11;30;12 – 00;11;34;03
But generally speaking, on my day to day,
I’m not eating meat.

00;11;34;11 – 00;11;37;18
This time,
I kind of made it my duty to do that.

00;11;37;19 – 00;11;41;07
There were days where I was eating
like three scrambled eggs as well.

00;11;41;08 – 00;11;42;24
I did hard boiled eggs.

00;11;42;24 – 00;11;45;23
and then,
I mean, yeah, I was stressed out.

00;11;45;23 – 00;11;49;19
Like, that didn’t feel great,
but maybe it helped.

00;11;49;20 – 00;11;50;25
I don’t know.

00;11;50;25 – 00;11;54;19
it was nice having my mom here,
but she’s not always, like,

00;11;54;25 – 00;11;57;20
incredibly helpful
when it comes to things like.

00;11;57;20 – 00;12;00;13
I’ll have to remind her to be helpful.

00;12;00;13 – 00;12;04;06
I mean, it was really great,
though, to have her, like, to come out of

00;12;04;12 – 00;12;05;11
the operating room

00;12;05;11 – 00;12;08;27
and the recovery room and come out
and tell her how many eggs we got.

00;12;09;07 – 00;12;09;26
she is.

00;12;12;28 – 00;12;14;11

00;12;14;11 – 00;12;17;06
Okay. 11.

00;12;17;06 – 00;12;19;05

00;12;19;05 – 00;12;21;14
Got more.

00;12;21;14 – 00;12;21;25

00;12;21;25 – 00;12;24;09
We’re mature and fertilized.

00;12;24;09 – 00;12;27;02
Oh, shit.

00;12;27;02 – 00;12;28;26
Eight out of. 11.

00;12;28;26 – 00;12;31;27
Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah.

00;12;31;27 – 00;12;35;21
She updated me at 1130 and said
I see seven mature eggs.

00;12;36;06 – 00;12;37;27
Stay tuned for finalized results.

00;12;37;27 – 00;12;38;27
Now it’s. It’s eight.

00;12;38;27 – 00;12;41;24
Literally. Whitney, you’re getting this
news as I am getting it.

00;12;41;24 – 00;12;44;02
My mom’s getting it. Oh, shit.

00;12;44;02 – 00;12;46;26
That is like

00;12;46;26 – 00;12;49;06
eight. Oh my God. Eight.

00;12;49;06 – 00;12;51;08
We have octagons.

00;12;51;08 – 00;12;54;08
We’re not going to have
other octagons. Yes.

00;12;54;13 – 00;12;56;22
Whatever that factor, lady.

00;12;56;22 – 00;12;59;12
Yeah, I know that.

00;12;59;12 – 00;13;01;11
Holy shit.

00;13;01;11 – 00;13;05;03
in terms of other things that happened,
I would say that I was more tired.

00;13;05;16 – 00;13;07;28
I had less bruising this time.

00;13;07;28 – 00;13;09;21
My boobs didn’t get as big.

00;13;09;21 – 00;13;11;21
they did at the very end.

00;13;11;21 – 00;13;14;13
But like throughout the process,
they didn’t.

00;13;14;13 – 00;13;15;22
At the very end, they hurt.

00;13;15;22 – 00;13;18;24
And I felt like they were, like,
more tender throughout last time.

00;13;18;29 – 00;13;23;07
And I definitely had like
a crazy mental fog, like, the entire time.

00;13;23;18 – 00;13;26;20
And since the egg retrieval,
I would say that

00;13;26;20 – 00;13;29;22
my inner thoughts
have gotten working faster.

00;13;29;25 – 00;13;32;25
side effect of anesthesia.

00;13;32;26 – 00;13;34;05
I’m feeling more bloated.

00;13;34;05 – 00;13;37;05
Like I want to just push my belly down
and it.

00;13;37;11 – 00;13;39;00
it’s not doing anything.

00;13;39;00 – 00;13;40;25
It’s just staying big.

00;13;40;25 – 00;13;41;21
But that’s it.

00;13;41;21 – 00;13;46;24
I’m kind of surprised at how quickly
the body recovers.

00;13;47;10 – 00;13;50;03
I’m still incredibly exhaust ed,

00;13;50;03 – 00;13;53;28
but also, it’s a seasonal change
which I always find myself

00;13;53;28 – 00;13;55;19
more tired around the seasonal change.

00;13;55;19 – 00;13;58;14
And it also suddenly has gotten very,
very warm.

00;13;58;14 – 00;13;59;24
Also makes me tired.

00;13;59;24 – 00;14;04;09
So, Yeah, it’s,
the tale of two egg retrievals.

00;14;04;20 – 00;14;09;01
I am so excited to give more updates
next week because I feel good.

00;14;09;09 – 00;14;12;27
I felt good in the past and it hasn’t
turned out great, but, I don’t know.

00;14;12;27 – 00;14;15;27
I’m just being perpetually optimistic
about this process

00;14;16;01 – 00;14;19;25
and hoping, hoping
we’re just on the road to the next stage.

00;14;19;26 – 00;14;21;12
So thanks for coming along.

00;14;21;12 – 00;14;24;22
If you have any questions,
feel free to shoot me an email.

00;14;24;22 – 00;14;28;20
If you’re watching on YouTube, comment
below, check me out on Instagram.

00;14;29;00 – 00;14;32;13
if by any chance you’re at VidCon this

00;14;32;13 – 00;14;34;13
year, it’s right down the street from me,
so I’m going.

00;14;34;13 – 00;14;36;22
So reach out and let me know.

00;14;36;22 – 00;14;38;16
and have a great week. Wish me luck.

00;14;38;16 – 00;14;41;22
Cross fingers and see you guys later.

00;14;42;10 – 00;14;45;08
The backup plan is created,
produced and hosted by me.

00;14;45;08 – 00;14;46;08
Meredith King.

00;14;46;08 – 00;14;48;19
Julien Hagins is my co-producer.

00;14;48;19 – 00;14;51;19
You can find us on social media
at Backup Plan Park.

00;14;52;07 – 00;14;55;15
The best place to get updates
is to sign up for our newsletter at Backup

00;14;55;15 – 00;15;00;12
Plan Podcast, where we also post
all episodes of Shownotes and transcripts.

00;15;00;29 – 00;15;02;03
Thank you for listening.

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